Numerous companies, especially in financial services, have benefited from our practical advice – helping them retain their customers more effectively. Brilliance provides detailed and constructive reviews of anything to do with keeping customers and looking after your customers’ best interests.
Advice and
Avoid the pain and cost of mistakes by receiving expert tailored guidance, advice and business practice reviews.
Advice on keeping more customers
This ranges from a once-off review of any of your products, services, customer processes, or communications, to a group-wide customer experience or customer-centricity change management project. Let’s start with something small and you’ll see the positive results we can achieve for you.
We design customer interactions to achieve brand-aligned, positive, and memorable customer experiences.
We analyse what you are and aren’t doing in CX management and provide constructive feedback towards improvement.
We apply our practical experience to help you overcome the business hurdles that hinder your CX success.
We help you to unpack your customer experience objectives and prioritise them into manageable chunks.
Achieving greater results
Do you want to achieve greater results for and through your customers? Speak to us. We love solving customer experience problems. We design processes and solutions that engender customer advocacy.
Our expert guidance and design, advice and feedback is based on decades of practical experience in managing customer experience, building customer trust, and seeking customers’ best interests.
Head of L&D, Raylene
Executive, Amagyei.
Special Projects Head, Susan.
“Customer success is the creation of value by doing what’s best for one’s customers.”
Samantha Hillion-Burns
Case study: CX design solution for our client
A large firm was providing an inconsistent customer experience through their various business units. Each unit’s leaders valued their autonomy without realising the detrimental impact this was having on their customers.
The CEO called on Brilliance to take a strategic view while acknowledging the role of each business unit. What they needed was the design of an integrated customer experience framework and action plan to achieve it.
Case study: CX design solution for our client
After listening to the challenges and objectives of each business unit in the context of the firms stated vision, values and purpose, we proposed a cohesive customer strategy. The implementation of this strategy included using specific client data more effectively to trigger the desired emotional response from customers.
We introduced nine Customer Experience Outcomes, relevant to their industry and customer base, that applied across customer attraction, retention and customer growth. At first, not all the business units embraced the approach but after healthy debate and early wins, all leaders were on board.
Case study: CX design solution for our client
Once each business unit was focused on the same Customer Experience Outcomes, they started to pull together in the same direction. A more brand-aligned and consistent customer experience become demonstrably evident.
Would you like some fresh customer experience design ideas along with more effective CX management approaches? We’d love to help.
“Design is intelligence made visible”
Alina Wheeler
Case study: Review and analysis for our client
A medium-sized firm was gathering customer feedback via phone keypad response surveys after each contact centre call. Plus their quality assurance team was reviewing a sample of call every month. Both these analyses gave glowing results.
However, customer retention and complaint stats revealed otherwise. Something was not adding up. The Service Head called upon Brilliance to provide a detailed review of the two processes to find the disconnect.
Case study: Review and analysis for our client
We had a team of experts in customer psychology listen to a statistically valid random sample size of customer calls recorded in each call centre. We reviewed each call against customer experience and Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) criteria as well as the service standards and regulatory criteria that were used in their existing quality assurance evaluations.
We also analysed the quality assurance (QA) evaluation check-lists to see what was included or excluded and how items were weighted. We compared our findings against the QA results and survey results of the same period.
Case study: Review and analysis for our client
Our analysis of calls revealed a significant variation in quality between the different call centres within this firm. Our findings exposed that customers were not as delighted as their survey results had suggested. It was also noted that customers were not consistently put through to the survey tool.
Our report identified missing or duplicated or inappropriately weighted items on the QA quality check-lists. We provided constructive suggestions along with reasoning, on essential changes to be made to the quality assurance process.
Case study: Review and analysis for our client
Based on our analytical review report, our client took action on the identified areas for improvement and followed our recommended steps to achieve them. This saved time, money and most importantly, enhanced their customer retention.
Would you like an independent expert to review your customer experience or customer fairness (TCF) processes or customer communications?
“Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them”
Case study: Solving a major problem for our client
Customer survey results at a well-known group exposed the need to seriously improve the way they handled complaints. But the diverse nature of multiple business entities within this group made it a significant challenge.
Each entity wanted their own approach due their different products and target markets. Group executives, however, wanted greater efficiencies and a group-wide view of customer complaints.
Case study: Solving a major problem for our client
They asked Brilliance to help them solve the problem. The first thing we asked for was the company’s existing complaint reports. However, we found they revealed very little useful information for decision-makers. It also became evident that each business entity had inadequate methods of tracking how many complaints they received per day or what these complaints were about.
Further, there was no monitoring of complaint turnaround times. To start to solve the problem, Brilliance provided a comprehensive complaints management framework. This was discussed and modified with input from each business entity.
Case study: Solving a major problem for our client
Based on our complaint-framework discussions with each business entity, the executives recognised their need for a group-wide complaints management system (CMS). They asked Brilliance to help them design, specify, project manage and develop. This was a considerable challenge given the diverse nature of the entities within the group.
In addition, Brilliance provided complaints management training, guidelines for more effective reports, as well as tailored guidance on correctly identifying and rectifying the root causes of customer complaints.
Case study: Solving a major problem for our client
Resolving the problem took time and persistence. In the end, executives gained crucial insights into the nature and volume of complaints across the group. This enabled far greater CX decision-making, action and positive returns.
Do you have a customer experience challenge that you want resolved? Are you short on time and resources to address CX problems? We’d love to help.
“If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution”
Steve Jobs
Case study: Implementation planning for our client
This great company could describe in broad brush-strokes what they wanted for their customers and had tried for several years to get all the relevant divisions to work together towards achieving it. The project just was not getting traction. The challenge was so multifaceted with many points of poor clarity. They knew the goal but not the most effective path to reach it.
Given our past work in this aspect of customer success, they turned to Brilliance for help.
Case study: Solving a major problem for our client
Given the size of our client’s goal and the strategic nature of this project, we first worked with the Executive team to align their support. The CEO insisted Brilliance lead the project.
After a careful risk assessment within each business unit and company-wide gap analysis, we established key themes for improvement.
With executive approval of the themes, we set out a multi-year implementation plan. This plan unpacked each step with substantial detail, including deadline-driven accountability for every aspect required to achieve the customer-centric operational goals.
Case study: Implementation planning for our client
We set high standards and clear annual metrics for success. With great co-operation from the team, these were achieved every year. Their expectations were exceeded. Our client was so pleased that they further enlisted Brilliance to project manage and implement another customer experience challenge.
Do you have a CX, Conduct Culture or Treating Customers Fairly TCF initiative that is failing to make progress due to a poor implementation plan? We’d love to help.
“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.”
Alan Lakin
Expertise on retainer
Perhaps it is not financially feasible for you to employ a full-time customer experience expert? Or your current resources are stretched too thin and risk dropping the ball?
Why not ask Samantha Hillion-Burns to be on retainer for you? We’re just a phone call or email away – ready to attend to any need to support your firm’s customer experience success.