
Complaint Manager

Complaint Management System


Brilliance Complaint Manager


Complaint Management System

You need a Complaint Management System

A well-designed complaint management system that is correctly configured to suit an organisation is a pleasure for employees to use.  It enables them to do the good work of effective complaint resolution, root cause and trend analysis, as well as relevant reporting.  

To keep more customers more profitably

For business success, you need customer satisfaction, customer trust, and continuous improvement.  These in turn contribute to reduced costs, increased customer loyalty and greater profitability.  To this end, complaints management is fundamentally essential.

Why choose the Brilliance Complaint Manager?

  • Users love it
    Users spontaneously tell us they love using our system
  • Expertly designed
    By customer loyalty and complaint management expert
  • Customer-centric
    Designed to look after customers' best interests
  • Profitable for clients
    Helps our clients get the most out of customer complaints
  • Regulation aligned
    Meets regulatory requirements and is Omni-CBR ready
  • Ideal for third parties
    Perfect for distributors or brokers to capture complaints

Typical clients choosing Brilliance

Large organisations that require their third parties to capture complaints
Medium sized companies that don’t need expensive, sophisticated systems
Small firms that realise Excel is inadequate for complaint management
Ideal for insurers, UMAs, intermediaries and cell captives

Typical users

Complaint Handlers
Service consultants
Complaint Managers
CX Managers
Binder holders
Market Conduct Heads

Brilliance Complaint Manager System Features

  • Easy to use
  • Auto complaint ownership
  • Can assign complaints as required
  • Complaint escalation process
  • Reminders as necessary
  • Turnaround times monitored
  • Complaint type classification
  • Auto mapping to CX outcomes
  • Root cause classification
  • Area responsible for complaint
  • Complaint channel recorded
  • Complaint status monitored
  • Validations to avoid user error
  • Justified and unjustified complaints tracked
  • Complaint costs tracked
  • Customer compensation tracked
  • Additional features for regulatory complaints
  • Optional extra: Include compliments
  • Optional extra: Include queries
  • Optional extra: Advanced status tracking
  • Optional extra: API
  • Easy to use
  • Auto complaint ownership
  • Can assign complaints as required
  • Complaint escalation process
  • Reminders as necessary
  • Turnaround times monitored
  • Complaint type classification
  • Auto mapping to CX outcomes
  • Root cause classification
  • Area responsible for complaint
  • Complaint channel recorded
  • Complaint status monitored
  • Validations to avoid user error
  • Justified and unjustified complaints tracked
  • Complaint costs tracked
  • Customer compensation tracked
  • Additional features for regulatory complaints
  • Optional extra: Include compliments
  • Optional extra: Include queries
  • Optional extra: Advanced status tracking
  • Optional extra: API

More reasons clients choose Brilliance

Training provided at no extra cost

This complaint management system is so easy to use, training is hardly necessary.  Nonetheless, to be sure new users enjoy and get the most out of the Brilliance Complaint Manager, we provide a live online training session for free.

Fully configured for you before you start

Many competitors leave you to do the hard work of configuring the system to suit your company structure, products, processes and preferences before you can even start.   In contrast, we do it all for you without additional fees.  You just sit back and enjoy using it from day one.  

Flexible and scalable to suit your wishes

If you want certain fields to be mandatory or optional, just say so.  We’ll set it up for you.  If you want to give the system your own name to suit your culture, no problem. We’ll change it for you.  If you want to add new divisions or companies or products, we’re delighted to do that for you.

Amazingly customisable as you grow

We can change the system to include features and functionalities that you uniquely specify.  This isn’t about buying the next level standard package.  It’s about custom development exactly as you need it.  Plus it’s priced for only the things you need, not bundled with other unnecessary stuff.

And simply the best service you can find

Ratings according to clients

You have made my life 100% better with this system. It has significantly helped us with Complaints, Compliments, CBR reports and more.  This is an amazing system! Users are loving it!!!  And so do I.
Head of Customer Care at Momentum

What this system does for you

The Brilliance Complaint Management system is necessary to keep track of how well complaints are resolved.  More importantly, it is necessary to gain insight into what processes, services or products need to improve in order to treat customers fairly and remain competitive.  In addition to this, it provides reports that reveal the speed and efficiency with which complaints are handled.

Brilliance Software-as-a-Service

Overcome all these hurdles with highly practical tools at a very attractive price.   

Instead of outlaying significant capital investment to purchase and maintain software, rather just subscribe without any IT complications and get immediate access to a Brilliance Management Tool.  We’ll customise it to suit you perfectly.

Choose the management tool most beneficial for you

In our consulting experience, we have seen business leaders struggling to make fast enough progress in some common issues.  So we developed management tools (online systems) to make their lives easier and their time investment more effective.

Browse the selection below and see which management tool will have the greatest positive impact on your business at this point in time.

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Complaints Management Tool
Why this tool is important
Within the services industry, it is impossible to successfully retain customers without an effective complaints management system and associated people and processes.  A company that believes in looking after its customers will ensure customer complaints are taken seriously.
What this tool does for you
The Brilliance Complaint Management system is necessary to keep track of how well complaints are resolved.  More importantly, it is necessary to gain insight into what processes, services or products need to improve in order to treat customers fairly and remain competitive.  In addition to this, it provides reports that reveal the speed and efficiency with which complaints are handled.
Briefly how it works
This management tool enables you to effectively track and classify every complaint.  It monitors complaint progress and enables the analysis of types and volumes of complaints, as well as root causes and customer outcomes.

In fact, it even reminds users when to do what for each complaint.  Plus, it’s extremely easy to use and fully customised to suit your business environment.

Additionally, for Financial Services firms, it fully caters for Omni-CBRs to meet FSCA requirements.

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Culture Alignment Tool
Why this tool is important
Every company has a culture, whether by design or accident.  Because culture is such a powerful force in the success or failure of a business, it is highly advisable to nurture and align company culture.  Furthermore, to drive positive customer retention or market conduct and TCF, company culture is crucial.
The problem is that it is difficult to keep the company culture aligned as the company grows.  While there are many great culture audits and transformation interventions available, they are missing a key tool.
What this tool does for you
The Brilliance Culture Alignment Tool provides a practical management follow-through and monitoring ability that is necessary to align (or transform) a culture and keep it aligned.   Plus, it provides statistics for Executives revealing the status and progress of each division in terms of the company’s desired culture.
Briefly how it works
This tool enables business leaders to specify all the observable behaviours they want to have evident in their organisation.  These can be grouped according to values, business strategies, customer outcomes, culture audit classifications, or however you wish.  Indeed, the system is fully flexible to accommodate each organisation’s expression of its ideal culture.
Each division or team has its own tracker to view descriptions of the desired behaviours as set by leadership.  Thus, managers use the tool to identify areas for improvement in their own divisions.  Accordingly, they can delegate responsibilities, monitor progress and upload evidence of the desired behaviours that are in place or in practice.
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TCF Conduct Improvement Tool
Why this tool is important
Conduct risk is the threat of financial loss to a financial services firm due to the threat of harm to its customers.  These threats are caused by the organisation’s failure to avoid actions or inactions that lead to poor or unfair customer outcomes.

Therefore, leaders need a tool that gives them peace of mind that actions or inactions by their people will not cause customer harm.  Moreover, they need to know that their business partners (intermediaries, UMAs, cell owners) are also treating customers fairly.

What this tool does for you
The Brilliance TCF Conduct Improvement Tool helps leaders proactively uncover actions or inactions that could potentially lead to poor customer outcomes.  Not only this, but notably the tool supports the management of appropriate corrective steps, ongoing monitoring, and the storage of relevant evidence.  In addition, the tool provides an array of management and executive reports, including summary reports that provide a single statistic for the company’s state of Conduct management.
Briefly how it works
Based on what leaders evaluate high or low in their divisions, the tool enables the delegation of responsibilities to address gaps against specified deadlines.  Next, the system reminds the relevant people at appropriate time intervals to attend to these gaps.  Overall, this raises the awareness of persistent and consistent action to ensure good customer outcomes over and above dealing with specific shortfalls.
Particularly appealing is the fact that an organisation can also track what their intermediaries or other third parties are doing about conduct risk.  Third parties benefit in that they can pull their own reports to track their progress on addressing conduct that impacts the fair treatment of customers.
The Conduct of Financial Institutions (COFI) Bill requires businesses to ensure they have the right strategies and practices in place to consistently deliver fair outcomes for customers.  The Brilliance Conduct Improvement Tool gives business leaders the platform to achieve exactly this.
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Measurement Collation Tool
Why this tool is important
Measuring the right things is crucial for business success.  However, executive teams are swamped with measurement reports which often fail to paint the picture.  The problem is that they are flooded with statistics that aren’t always collated into themes or clusters relating to company objectives.

Furthermore, there’s inadequate reporting on what managers are doing to proactively address below-target results.

What this tool does for you
The Brilliance Measurement Collation Tool is a unique solution that first collates multiple measurement results from various designated sources; second, classifies them into Red-Amber-Green statuses; and thirdly, groups them according to the business themes or objectives you wish to measure.
Some examples of themes or objectives include: CX objectives and customer outcomes (beyond the standard Voice-of-the-customer metrics); Balanced Scorecards; Performance of multiple projects; Market conduct, TCF, or other regulatory requirements.
Briefly how it works
You decide what you wish to measure, with what frequency, and who is responsible for tracking each metric.  In addition, you may choose to specify what a Great, Average or Poor result looks like for each metric.
Every month (or quarter, as relevant) this tool gathers the results of each metric (e.g. number of widgets sold, or volume of calls answered within 3 seconds) and groups them according to your business objectives or themes.  Moreover, it intelligently converts the results into scores on a Red-Amber-Green scale.
Consequently, when management wants to know how well a division or the whole company (or a service provider for that matter) is performing in a particular objective or theme, the Brilliance Measurement Collation Tool provides the answer at a click of a button.
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Customer Trust Builder
Why this tool is important
Customer trust is crucial to every service business, especially banks and insurance companies.  It is one of the most important factors for business success.  Despite this fact, customer trust is often left to happen “by default”.
Recent research shows that customers are trusting companies less than they used to. This adds to the cost of business.  Furthermore, more customers simply stop buying from brands that break their trust.  This annihilates returns on sunk costs.
The problem is that over 85% of executives think that their customers trust their organisation, yet less than a third of customers actually do. An even bigger problem is many leaders simply don’t know how to gain and retain customer trust.
What this tool does for you
Building customer trust requires a systematic focus on business practices that lead to specific trust-impacting customer outcomes.  The Brilliance Customer Trust Builder guides you on what outcomes to pursue and what specific deliverables to get in place, which will positively improve your customers’ level of trust in your company.  We fully customise the system for you so that you only focus on trust-building business practices and themes that are relevant to your business.
Briefly how this tool works
This hugely valuable tool provides a comprehensive list of business practices that each contribute towards actively building customer trust or eliminating factors that are likely to lead to customer distrust.
The Brilliance Customer Trust Builder enables you to identify, track and monitor customer trust improvements across multiple business functions, regions or divisions.  Plus, it timeously reminds the relevant people to meet specific trust-building deliverables according to your chosen deadlines.
Reports quickly reveal the status and trends of that which each division contributes towards building customer trust, even those that never “touch” the customer. Pockets of excellence become clear, making it easier to identify positive examples for others to follow.
Interestingly, the more a company seriously works on building customer trust, the greater the positive impact on internal trust between leaders and employees and between “silo’s”.  The win-win is exponential.
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Compliance Evidence Tool
Why this tool is important
Compliance is necessary to reduce risks by checking that the business is acting in accordance with relevant regulations.  Failure to do so can result in significant fines, debarments, or at worst, imprisonment.
While there are many challenges in compliance, we find two common ones:
(a) People in the first line of defence do not have the necessary awareness or timely reminders of relevant compliance issues, nor the tools to track their own compliant performance.

(b) This unnecessarily adds to the load on Compliance Officers who need to collect evidence, which is a particularly difficult aspect of compliance management.

Business needs a cost-effective tool that addresses both of these challenges.
What this tool does for you
The Brilliance Compliance Evidence Tool makes the first line of defence aware of their compliance responsibilities and supports their fulfilment.  In addition, it gives Compliance Officers a systematic repository of evidence of compliant behaviour, as provided by the first line. Accordingly, this makes it easier for the compliance team to check evidence and rate compliance per requirement, per division, across the organisation.
Briefly how it works
Step 1: Simply specify the behaviours and business practices that you want to ensure are in place in each business function in accordance with relevant regulations.
Step 2: The Brilliance Compliance Evidence Tool will then make them available to your chosen first line of defence people to review and self-assess. Consequently, the system takes appropriate action based on their inputs.  Managers can pull reports to see the level of compliance in their teams or divisions and track their own progress.
Step 3: Compliance Officers review the evidence and reap the benefits of having a single repository of all evidence of compliance to each issue by every relevant division.  Additionally, they can pull comparative reports to evaluate organisational compliance.
Executive reports provide a succinct compliance score for each Act or regulatory requirement for the whole company.
Another great feature of the Brilliance Compliance Evidence Tool is that it also enables companies to track certain compliance levels of third parties where necessary.
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Quality Management Tool
Why this tool is important
To positively retain customers, drive brand differentiation, and ensure fair customer outcomes, quality standards need to be set and adhered to.  The challenge is how to ensure they are consistently managed across the business.
What this tool does for you
The Brilliance Quality Management Tool saves you time, is extremely easy to use, and is designed to improve quality not just assess it.  It will give you reports on how employees or business functions rate themselves and how this differs from the Quality Manager’s review.  Moreover, multiple types of reports on quality are made available not just for management but for individuals who strive to improve their own performance against quality standards.  If you believe in continuous improvement, this is the tool for you.
Briefly how it works
It is so easy because we set it up for you so that the moment you start using it, it already contains your quality criteria along with weightings as you wish.  Team leaders or quality managers or compliance officers simply link the items that they wish to review.  For example, sales call recordings; service emails; product design documents; claims, or admin documents.
The Quality Management Tool uniquely caters for a double-level review per item.  Therefore, a staff member can review his or her own work before the manager or QA officer does so. Or a Manager can review a process in his division before the Compliance or Risk Officer does so.  Alternatively, the system can also facilitate a single-level review per item.
Another great feature of the tool is that it provides clear guidance for each element of review to help ensure quality management consistency.

Greater success in managing customer complaints

The Brilliance Complaint Management system is necessary to keep track of how well complaints are resolved.  More importantly, it is necessary to gain insight into what processes, services or products need to improve in order to treat customers fairly and remain competitive.  In addition to this, it provides reports that reveal the speed and efficiency with which complaints are handled.

Within the services industry, it is impossible to successfully retain customers without an effective complaints management system and associated people and processes.  A company that believes in looking after its customers will ensure customer complaints are taken seriously.

Choose the management tool most beneficial for you

In our consulting experience, we have seen business leaders struggling to make fast enough progress in some common issues.  So we developed management tools (online systems) to make their lives easier and their time investment more effective.

Browse the selection below and see which management tool will have the greatest positive impact on your business at this point in time.

“I am a big fan of the Brilliance systems we are using for our Treating Customers Fairly initiative – the Culture Improvement and Complaints Reporting tool.”

Head of L&D, Regent

“Samantha and all Brilliance does for us has been nothing short of amazing. As always thank you for the speedy responses and amazing service!”

Executive, Guardrisk

“Thank you so much!! Brilliance saved the day. We’ll be sure to remember you, Samantha, when we’re at the gala event receiving our award!”

Customer Champion, Africa Direct

Bespoke system development

At Brilliance we love solving customer problems and helping our clients achieve the customer experience success they are looking for. Sometimes this entails co-creating a new web application or proprietary system uniquely for a client.

We do the business analysis, design the solution and draft the functional specifications for your sign-off. Once approved, we develop it and project manage the collaborative process of testing and deployment.

Your data is secure with us

We take data security very seriously.  Our apps are hosted on a Cloud server with an international service provider backed up by a highly secure physical server.  Over and above passwords that our clients choose, all client data is encrypted with SSL

    • Highly reliable SQL Server database
    • Most advanced Microsoft technologies
    • ASP.NET framework: Microsoft.NET; Microsoft C#
    • Fast, sophisticated platform using up-to-date web standards
    • Firewall protection and anti-hacker controls
    • Highly secure and limited access to our server

Your data is secure with us

We take data security very seriously.  Our apps are hosted on a Cloud server with an international service provider backed up by a highly secure physical server.  Over and above passwords that our clients choose, all client data is encrypted with SSL

    • Highly reliable SQL Server database
    • Most advanced Microsoft technologies
    • ASP.NET framework: Microsoft.NET; Microsoft C#
    • Fast, sophisticated platform using up-to-date web standards
    • Firewall protection and anti-hacker controls
    • Strongly secure, access controlled server

“A good tool improves the way you work.
A great tool improves the way you think.”

Jeff Duntemann

Complaints Reporting Tool

Effective complaints management is the first place to start if you want to improve your customers’ experience.  It does not make business sense to spend money on surveys to gather customer feedback if a company is not listening to the feedback that customers are already willingly providing through their queries and complaints. 

Complaints management is far more than a system – having a reliable tool to help you track and monitor complaints is just one piece of the puzzle.  Brilliance offers expert services to help you with all the pieces.  The Brilliance CRT (Complaints Reporting Tool) is an easy-to-use platform for you to quickly capture complaints details and monitor progress from start to root cause analysis, 

The chief output of the CRT is its detailed reports: Here you can monitor complaint volumes, evaluate trends, see which products attract more complaints than others, and much more.

Complaint Reporting Tool

The Brilliance CRT is available in four versions:

1.A Standard version which is configured according to your business structure, products, types of complaints, relevant regulators, typical root causes etc. 

2.A Standard Plus version which, in addition to the above, enables your customers to submit their complaints via your website, directly feeding into the CRT.

3.A 7 Value-lever version which includes the above and comes pre-set with the seven value-levers required for CX success.  This version provides an additional report that shows how many complaints were received that relate to one or more of the seven value-levers.

4.A TCF Conduct version designed for financial service firms which includes 1 and 2 above and comes pre-set with the six TCF (Treating Customers Fairly) outcomes.  This unique version automatically categorises all complaints according to the TCF outcomes for easier Conduct of Business regulatory reporting.

All four versions are customised to suit you:

• For a small or medium-sized company, or
For organisations that depend on third parties to interact with their customers (such as dealerships, brokers, network distributors or franchisees).

Complaints Reporting Tool

This elegant solution:

  1. Provides Management reports in Excel showing complaint volumes; turnaround times; types of complaints; products most complained about; root causes; and more.
  2. Is very easy and intuitive – no training required.
  3. Provides a dashboard of current complaints showing complaints in progress, pending and resolved so far for each month.
  4. Enables easy capture of complaint details while ensuring critical information is tracked for reporting purposes, including regulatory reports.
  5. Includes various rules of logic to increase accuracy and consistency of complaints data.
  6. Automatically maps each complaint to the right customer experience outcome, saving agent time and training costs.
  7. Automatically gathers complaint details captured by third parties, rolling up data essential for the product provider’s insights regarding service delivery and customer experience short-comings.
  8. Can be expanded to incorporate workflow and automatic reminders